CYCLE 1: PREMIERESC4 presents two concerts of world premieres, featuring the participating composers of C4's Premieres Choral Composition Workshops. The pieces performed will be rehearsed and revised during the duration of the workshop, with the participating composers receiving feedback and guidance from members of C4 along the way. These concerts are the culmination of this process, and will feature a composer talk-back, where the composers can engage with the audience.
Premieres ISaturday, October 13 - 8:00pm
Church of St. Luke in the Fields 487 Hudson Street New York, NY Featuring world premieres by: William Cooper - "Rejoice, O Jerusalem" John Griffith - "Gloria" Mario Gullo - "March Creek" Qianni Lin - "Epitafio para un poeta" Amir Shahzeidi - "Gegen Verführung" Perry Townsend - Two Choral Excerpts from Christine Michael Wiener - "Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred" David Werfelmann - "Restat Lux" from Harmonices Mundi Premieres IISaturday, December 1 - 8:00pm
St. John in the Village Church 218 West 11th Street New York, NY Featuring world premieres by: Alexander Boostrom - "Hashtactivism" Cem Güven - "Gate of Dreamworld" Tamsin Jones - "Beatitudes" Jamie Klenetsky Fay - "Vanishing" Anselm McDonnell - "A Slave in the Land of Liberty" Artemisz Polonyi - "Magazine Girls" Harriet Steinke - "Brændte Skibe" |
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New York Choral Consortium |
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